Anja Hessert
Anja Hessert
Email anjabel.h@gmail.com
Company Engel & Voelkers
Industry Category real-estate-residential
Email cfreniere.cf@gmail.com
Industry Category services
Carol Boston
Carol Boston
Email carol@carolboston.com
Company CB Accelerators
Industry Category business-consultant
Email cmozo@zoh.studio
Company Zoh Studio LLC
Industry Category accounting
Carolyn Zaumeyer
Carolyn Zaumeyer
Email Carolyn@LowTEFlorida.com
Company LowTE Florida
Industry Category physician
Christine Lambertus
Email christy@gate.net
Industry Category attorney
Cindy Caird
Cindy Caird
Email cindycaird@aol.com
Company Jeopardy 123, LLC
Industry Category real-estate-residential
Cindy FOX
Cindy FOX
Email cindyfox@bellsouth.net
Company Luxury Financial Group
Industry Category finance
Email cinthia@aneandnco.com
Company Ane' & Co. Florida Real Estate/ Horse & Home Estate
Industry Category real-estate-residential
Cynthia Hardy
Email cynhardy@msn.com
Industry Category accounting
Darlene DiMarco
Darlene DiMarco
Email darlene.dimarco@fairwaymc.com
Company Fairwway Independent Mortgage
Industry Category real-estate-residential
Debra McLaughlin
Debra McLaughlin
Email debramcblack@aol.com
Industry Category accounting
Dee Moustakas
Email dee@kodiakcommunications.com
Company Kodiak Communications, Inc.
Industry Category accounting
Email deidralreid@gmail.com
Company MBA-Finance, Retired Department of State Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Air Force Veteran, and Financial Literacy Consultant
Industry Category finance
Denise Helmsorig
Email info@carealternativesfl.com
Company Care Alternatives, Inc.
Industry Category healthcare
Diana Fairbanks
Diana Fairbanks
Email dianafairbanks1@mac.com
Company Balistreri Realty
Industry Category accounting
Diane Blair Hickey
Diane Blair Hickey
Email Blair@WorldCruisesandTravel.com
Company World Cruises & Travel
Industry Category accounting
Dionne Absheer
Dionne Absheer
Email dionne_absheer@wans.net
Company Corporate Move Management Services, Inc. (CMMS)
Industry Category business-consultant
Edith Hoppe
Email ekhoppe@mac.com
Industry Category retired
Eileen O'Connor
Eileen O'Connor
Email georgeandeileen@bellsouth.net
Company Florida Courts
Industry Category accounting
Gretchen Riegere
Email simplyholistic@proton.me
Ida Moraghebati
Ida Moraghebati
Email imoraghebati2021@fau.edu
Company FAU
Industry Category arts
Jackie Powell
Email japhertz@bellsouth.net
Company FirstService Residential, Inc.
Industry Category accounting
Jan Bullard
Jan Bullard
Email insdollie@aol.com
Industry Category insurance-services
Jean Martindale
Jean Martindale
Email mardaleusa@aol.com
Industry Category marketing-pr
Jean Mignolet
Email mignolet.jean@gmail.com
Company Mignolet Business Research Consultants
Industry Category accounting
Jesenia Bell
Email jeseniabell@outlook.com
Industry Category accounting
Jill Prizlee
Jill Prizlee
Email JPrizlee@fortlauderdale.gov
Company Fort Lauderdale Chief Engineer
Industry Category government
Email joyceshore@me.com
Industry Category accounting
Judy Wolfman
Judy Wolfman
Email judywolfman@gmail.com
Company Pat Hance Realty
Industry Category real-estate-residential
Kathleen Ryan
Kathleen Ryan
Email kathryan@yahoo.com
Company Retired Nonprofit administration
Industry Category retired
Kimberly Carlisle
Email kcarlisle1@chewy.com
Company Chewy, Inc.
Industry Category accounting
Krista Bloom
Krista Bloom
Email drbloom@healingcouchinc.com
Company Healing Couch, Inc.
Industry Category counseling-services
Lenor Ryan
Lenor Ryan
Email Lenor@lightscameraselfies.com
Company Lights Camera Selfies Balloon Studio
Industry Category marketing-pr
Lenore Alpert
Email lalpert.foa@gmail.com
Company Florida Ocean Alliance/ work as Alpert Consulting
Industry Category non-profit-social-services
Leslie Sedille
Leslie Sedille
Email leslie@paradisehomehealthcare.com
Company Paradise Home Health Care
Industry Category other
Linda Highley
Email linda@paradisehomehealthcare.com
Company Paradise Home Health Care
Industry Category accounting
Linda Parker
Email lparker@womenindistress.org
Lynda Amorello
Lynda Amorello
Email amorellogroup@gmail.com
Industry Category property-management
Mari Delgado
Mari Delgado
Email mdelgado@ellevest.com
Company Ellevest
Industry Category accounting
Maria Johnston
Maria Johnston
Email Maria@mjohnstonconsult.com
Company M. Johnston Consulting, LLC
Industry Category other
Marina Fayer
Marina Fayer
Email marina.b.fayer@gmail.com
Company Fidelity Investments
Industry Category finance
Mary Adams
Mary Adams
Email Mary@TERG.com
Company The Employee Relations Group TERG
Industry Category human-resources
Mary Sanchez
Email mary.sanchez@pacecenter.org
Industry Category accounting
MaryKate Wood
MaryKate Wood
Email MaryKate@supersacr.com
Company Wake WorX, LLC
Industry Category marine-industry
MaryScott Canada
Email thepaintedview@gmail.com
Company The Painted View
Industry Category interiors-design
Natalie Schneider
Natalie Schneider
Email natalie@amazing-transition.com
Company Amazing Transition Coaching
Industry Category services
Peggy Calhoun
Peggy Calhoun
Email pcalhoun@att.net
Company Miller, Calhoun & Co.
Industry Category business-consultant
Rhoda Mae Kerr
Rhoda Mae Kerr
Email rhodamaekerr@me.com
Company Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue (Retired)
Industry Category government
Email loveyouu@aol.com
Industry Category insurance-services
Sandra Vargas
Sandra Vargas
Email srqv@outlook.com
Company UPS Supply Chain Solutions
Industry Category other
Sandra Vaucher
Sandra Vaucher
Email sandra@yonlaw.com
Industry Category accounting
Scherry Donato
Email scherryd1@gmail.com
Shirley Mills
Shirley Mills
Email shirley.mills0367@gmail.com
Company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Industry Category education
Sohle Heny
Sohle Heny
Email sohlesun@gmail.com
Industry Category accounting
Staci Parrish
Staci Parrish
Email stacip803@yahoo.com
Company KSDT CPA
Industry Category accounting
Stacy Bowman
Stacy Bowman
Email stacy_bowman@yahoo.com
Company Chewy Inc
Industry Category accounting
Stephanie Zeverino
Stephanie Zeverino
Email stephanie@zeverinoecs.com
Company Zeverino Elder Care Solutions
Industry Category elder-care
Susan Agemy
Susan Agemy
Email sagemy3@gmail.com
Company SES Networks
Industry Category other
Terra Buckley
Email Terra@YourFloridaAgent.com
Industry Category accounting
Thelma Tennie
Thelma Tennie
Email dr.thelmatennie@gmail.com
Company Dr. Thelma Tennie and Associates, LLC.
Industry Category healthcare
Theora Braccialarghe
Email theora.braccialarghe@grsconsulting.com
Industry Category accounting
Vanessa Koutalidis
Email vanessa@islandcitychiropractic.com
Industry Category accounting
Vicki Abernathy
Vicki Abernathy
Email vicki.abernathy@gmail.com
Industry Category other
Victoria Martoccia
Email victoria@shebuildsit.com
Vivien Godfrey
Vivien Godfrey
Email vgodfrey@farhorizonsllc.com
Company Far Horizons LLC
Industry Category bookstore