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KILLERS OF A CERTAIN AGE by Deanna Raybourn (2022)

Novels about trained assassins rarely address the retirement package. In Killers of a Certain Age, four assassins—part of an elite, all-female squad called the Sphinxes—are ushered into retirement with an all-expenses-paid luxury cruise. But when they recognize a fellow operative aboard, they realize he’s on a job. And the job is to kill them. One explosive—and unscheduled—disembarkation later, they make their way back, like post-menopausal Kingsmen, to the abandoned English country mansion where it all began decades earlier. Except this time, it’s not to train, but to train their sights on whomever has put a hit on them. And the invisibility that happens to all women beyond a certain age may well prove to be their most valuable weapon. Granny, get your gun, because this novel—sharp as battery acid, fast as a bullet, and hilarious to boot—pits men against women, age against youth, technology against old school know-how, and on top of that, illustrates an excellent use for a piano wire necklace.  (Vanessa Cronin, Amazon Editor)

When:  Fully Booked

Host: Vicki Abernathy

Place: Vicki Abernathy’s Home

Bring:  Appetizer, Dessert or Wine for 12

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