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We will be meeting at Foxy Brown

GEM Lunch hosted by Deb

WEC Members Greet, Eat, and Meet in an intimate setting and get to know one another. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity!

Space is limited, so RSVP to reserve your seat!

*This event is at each individual member’s expense.  Kindly remind the server to provide separate checks!

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  1. Debra McLaughlin
    Debra McLaughlin 10/23/2023 at 1:45 PM

    CHANGE of VENUE (Boat Show conflict!!!!) See you at Foxy Brown’s at noon 10/26! 476 Federal Hwy, Ft Lauderdale (north of Broward Blvd.) Pass the word!

  2. Sandra Vargas
    Sandra Vargas 10/25/2023 at 7:43 PM

    Hey Deb, I was looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Something’s come up and I won’t be able to make it! Have fun!


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